Make an Appointment
To make an appointment with doctors at Gulf Coast MDPA clinics, please call between 8AM - 5PM to your closest office shown below:
Fort Myers, FL: (239) 225-6304
Naples, FL: (239) 566-8273
Estero, FL: (239) 676-7205
fill out the contact form one of our representatives will contact you within 24 hours.
We prefer to see you by appointment so we can have your records ready. We also prefer you to make your physical exams appointments weeks in advance
Important information:
If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please give us 24 hour advance notice or there will be a fee assessed for late cancellation. All appointments not cancelled are considered no shows and the no show fee applies.
- Patient's full legal name (First, Middle and Last)
- Date of birth
- Social security number (if you have)
- Home address
- Home, Cell and work telephone numbers
- Insurance details like:
- (i) Group number and policy numbers
- (ii) Name, address and telephone number of the insurance company
- (iii) Name of the insured person
- (iv) Place of employment for the insured person
- (v) Medicaid or Medicare card
Before you call for an appointment, please have the below information ready:
- Full list of all medications you are taking (prescribed, over-the-counter, vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.)
- Insurance information, including any forms your insurance company requires
- Information from any recent hospitalizations, specialty care or ER visits
- Detailed history of symptoms, surgeries, procedures and treatments
- Picture ID and Insurance card(s)
- Emergency contact information
- Co-payment (Depending on your insurance plan)
- List of questions to ask your physician
- Recent test results
- Self-care information
Most commonly required items to bring for each appointment:
Please arrive minimum 15 minutes before your appointment for check in and paperwork process.